Energy Saving Tips
Energy Saving Tips

Keep Your Cool: 6 Tips for Saving Energy and Money With Your AC

Did you know that cooling and air conditioning make up 70 per cent of the United Arab Emirates’s (UAE) electricity consumption during the summer months? This eye-opening statistic highlights the immense energy demand in the country.

With over 3.3 million refrigeration tonnes of cooling used in Dubai alone at the peak of summer, it’s clear that efficient energy use is vital not only for your household expenses but also for the country’s overall environmental impact.

This article explores six practical tips that can optimise your air conditioning usage, ensuring both comfort and cost savings.

1. Ensure Proper AC Maintenance

Regular home maintenance ensures that your air conditioner performs at its peak, saving you both energy and money in the long run. One crucial maintenance task is cleaning or replacing the filters regularly.

Clogged filters restrict airflow, making your AC work harder and consume more energy. By cleaning or replacing filters every month or two, you can reduce your air conditioner’s energy consumption by up to 15 per cent.

Neglecting AC maintenance can result in decreased performance and increased energy usage. Make AC cleaning in Dubai a priority to ensure that your air-conditioning runs smoothly and efficiently throughout its service life.

2. Choose the Right Cooling Capacity

An oversized unit will cycle on and off too frequently, which can cause inefficient cooling and high energy consumption. Conversely, an undersized unit will struggle to cool the space adequately.

To determine the correct cooling capacity, calculate the area’s square footage. Based on this measurement, use the following guidelines to determine the cooling capacity of the AC unit for the room below (shown in British thermal units):

  • Up to 1,000 sq. ft. = 18,000 BTUs (1.5 tons)
  • 1,000-1,500 sq. ft. = 24,000 BTUs (2 tons)
  • 1,500-2,000 sq. ft. = 30,000 BTUs (2.5 tons)
  • 2,000-2,500 sq. ft. = 34,000 BTUs (3 tons)
  • 2,500-3,300 sq. ft. = 42,000 BTUs (3.5 tons)

Don’t forget to consider factors such as the climate, ceiling height, insulation, windows, and sun exposure for optimal comfort and cost savings.

3. Insulate the Room Properly

Effective insulation is important in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment while reducing energy consumption in your home.

Here are some practical tips for insulating your room properly:

Seal Doors and Windows

Install draught excluders around exterior doors to prevent warm air from escaping and cold air from entering. Use sealant strips around window frames to close gaps and prevent drafts.

Check and Insulate Windows

Consider double glazing to create a barrier to separate indoor and outdoor temperatures. Fill cracks and crevices around window frames to prevent air leakage.

Fill Floor Gaps

Seal gaps between skirting boards and floors with silicone sealer. Install floor insulation beneath wood floors or place rugs to improve insulation.

Insulate the Loft or Attic

Insulating your attic is crucial, as heat rises, and proper insulation can significantly reduce heat loss. Use fibreglass wool to cover accessible areas under your roof and fill gaps around rooms.

Consider other areas where insulation can make a significant difference in energy efficiency and indoor comfort. Here are some examples:

  • Walls – Use rigid foam board insulation installed with construction adhesive.
  • Basement – Use foam insulation or insulate the concrete floor before laying the flooring.

These additional insulation measures can further enhance the energy efficiency of your home and contribute to maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

1. Shade Your Windows

The sunlight streaming through your windows can significantly impact your home’s indoor temperature and AC efficiency. Using appropriate window dressings can help mitigate this effect while enhancing energy efficiency and comfort.

Consider using window blinds, shades, curtains, or awnings to control sunlight penetration. Additionally, natural shading elements like trees or shrubs can provide eco-friendly solutions.

Opt for window covering that offers thermal insulation and reduces solar heat gain. Remember to open and close window coverings based on weather conditions and time of day to maximise energy savings.

2. Use a Timer or Programmable Thermostat

Enhance your AC’s energy efficiency with timers or programmable thermostats. These devices allow you to set temperature schedules, optimising comfort while reducing energy consumption.

Keep your thermostat set at 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher during the day for optimal efficiency. Invest in a smart thermostat for customisable temperature settings throughout the day.

Maximise nighttime cooling by opening windows and using timers to turn off the AC during cooler hours automatically.

With these simple adjustments, you can achieve significant energy savings without compromising comfort.

3. Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner

Upgrade to energy-efficient air conditioning systems, such as inverter ACs, to enhance comfort and reduce costs. Inverter technology adjusts compressor speed based on cooling needs, resulting in lower energy consumption.

Pay attention to the SEER rating when selecting an AC replacement, as higher ratings indicate better energy performance. Ensure proper sizing and professional installation to maximise efficiency. Look for ENERGY STAR® certified units, which meet strict energy efficiency guidelines and can save up to 15 per cent more energy compared to standard models.

By embracing these advancements, you can enjoy a cooler home while minimising environmental impact and utility bills.

Regular maintenance and mindful usage are vital in boosting AC efficiency and reducing energy bills. Follow these guidelines to enjoy a comfortable home without breaking the bank.