Things To Consider If You Are Buying A Home In Italy


When you are looking to buy something, it is difficult to do so without having at least a vague idea of what you are looking for. This is true for any product, but especially when it comes to a house, it is essential to have a clear overview of what the market offers and what your needs are.

So, if you are purchasing a home in Italy, you should consider some crucial aspects to make a good choice. First of all, it is important to be aware of the motivation to purchase, know the types of buildings and follow some tips on how to find the proper home which corresponds to one’s needs and desires.

Kind Of Buildings You Can Find In Italy

In Italy, there are different types of houses. In general, newly built houses are those built no more than 15 years ago. These are usually flats in large urban centers. However, extremely fascinating, especially for those who want to buy a second home, are villas in rural areas or located on the coastline. Italy, indeed, offers a coastline rich in cliffs, wide and long sandy beaches with crystal-clear water. This is why properties such as seaside flats or beach houses for sale in Puglia, Campania and Sicily, are in high demand.


Here, you can find new and recently built apartments or villas, but also masserias, farmhouses which need renovation. If you are wondering whether it is worth it, you should know that you may achieve excellent results, but at the same time you might face a significant challenge in terms of time and costs. However, by improving and renovating a building from an aesthetic and functional point of view, you can transform a property into the home of your dreams and significantly increase its resale value.

Consider Your Motivation And Needs

Prior to looking for a house in Italy, it is good to think about what is the motivation for buying and what are your needsIndeed, these factors affect the choice of location and type of property.

For example, if you are looking for a second home in Italy where you can spend a pleasant time during holidays, you can consider buying a house easy to reach from the main airports. It is a different matter if you want to buy a house to earn rental income or to start a business, such as a bed & breakfast.

On the other hand, if you want to move to Italy to enjoy your retirement, you can also consider rural areas and peaceful regions such as Basilicata, Molise or Umbria. Here there is a lot of country house, renovated or in need of restoration, with wide open land to enjoy outdoor life and breathe fresh air. If you are interested in an extra income, these kinds of building offer you the opportunity to open a guest house and start a new business.